Bing and DuckDuckGo Are Down

Bing and DuckDuckGo Experienced and Outage, Users Turn to Google Error on DuckDuckGo Leads to Search Chaos On May 23rd 2024, users of Bing and DuckDuckGo found themselves unable to access search results, leading many to rely on Google for their search needs....

Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Your Google Page Speed Score

We ran some leading websites through Googles page speed test as well as some of Google's own properties to see how they scored. The results may surprise you.   Is Google Page Speed Important? Performance Matters, But Not at Any Cost, One metric haunts website...

How Much Do Google Ads Cost in 2024?

If you need your business to succeed online, you need a professional, well-thought-out advertising and marketing plan. While Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can gain significant traffic to your website, this process takes time and most businesses need traffic now!...

What is Smart Bidding and How Does it Work in Google Ads?

If you are managing a Google ads campaign, you are probably no stranger to the complexities and dynamics involved in managing campaigns in Google Ads. To keep up with ever-evolving search engine algorithms, advertising platforms like Google Ads have been trying to...

The Importance of Mobile Optimisation for E-commerce Websites

Are you a business owner looking to upgrade your company’s ecommerce website? If so, then mobile optimization should be at the top of your list for web development and design. With mobile phones now accounting for more than half of the online shopping market, it's...

Web Design and Digital Marketing News and Tips

Marketing News

Bing and DuckDuckGo Are Down

Bing and DuckDuckGo Are Down

Bing and DuckDuckGo Experienced and Outage, Users Turn to Google Error on DuckDuckGo Leads to Search Chaos On May 23rd 2024, users of Bing and DuckDuckGo found themselves unable to access search results, leading many to rely on Google for their search needs....

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How Google Search Works

How Google Search Works

Have you ever wondered what happens when you type a search query into Google? Have you wondered what factors Google takes into account when deciding to rank your webpage amongst billions of other webpages on the Internet? According to Matt Cutts, a former engineer in...

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How much does Google AdWords cost?

How much does Google AdWords cost?

How much does it cost to advertise on Google? That is a really good question. Top advertisers on Google are spending $50M every year on Google AdWords, but that doesn’t mean you have to. The truth is, there are several variables that control how much you’ll want and...

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Top 9 WordPress Marketing Plugins

Top 9 WordPress Marketing Plugins

WordPress is a fantastic content management system that allows you to easily update your website with almost no technical knowledge. For this reason the majority of websites we develop use WordPress. Another great feature of WordPress is the amount of plug-ins that...

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20 Amazing Facts About eCommerce

20 Amazing Facts About eCommerce

Online Shopping Statistics Thinking of starting your own e-commerce website? There has never been a better time as these statistics show. Eighty-one percent of shoppers research their product online before purchasing. Sixty percent begin their search for their...

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SEO Terms Explained

Curious about SEO terms or just looking for Web Marketing Information? Our easy to follow glossary of the main search engine optimisation terms will help you understand the main terms used in website marketing. 301 Redirect-- A method to make one websites reroute the...

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2,500 Euro Online Trading Voucher

How would you like €2500 to help your business sell online? Well the Irish government can supply you with just that. Your Local Enterprise Office are now offering grants of up to €2500 in order to help you sell online. The timing for this could not be better because...

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